
Soft tips is a public Notion's page by Dr. Denis Jacob Machado. This project was crated on June 2, 2022, and the idea is to organize random software tips and protocols, mostly associated with bioinformatics and phyloinformatics.

The project will grow and become more interesting with time. Meanwhile, use any information in here at your risk (they come with no guarantees).


Seeking help and debugging code

Asking for help with programming and software execution

Best practices when debugging code

Tips for UNC Charlotte's graduate students

Resources about Dissertations or Thesis

Slide decks

Tips for building a slide deck

Bioinformatics job interviews

Tips for how to prepare to your first faculty or researcher job interview

Examples of screen-sharing interview questions for bioinformatics jobs

Bash, Unix, and Computer Clusters

cd, pwd, ls, and du

Introduction to sed

Using pipe in the shell